Tuesday, February 20, 2024


 STL (standard tag library)



You will discover the Standard Template Library (STL) to be an invaluable asset in your capacity as an IT project manager. The collection comprises C++ template classes that provide an extensive array of programming data structures and operations, such as stacks, arrays, and lists, among others. It comprises container classes, algorithms, and iterators in their entirety. Parameterizing the components of the public library guarantees optimal functionality. It is critical to possess a comprehensive comprehension of model classes when engaging with STL.

The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) provides an extensive assortment of algorithms, data structures, and additional components that significantly optimize the process of C++ program development, akin to the capabilities of an IT project manager. The STL provides a variety of data manipulation, sorting, and searching algorithms, in addition to a selection of containers including vectors, lists, and maps.

An essential advantage of the STL is its capacity to streamline the development of flexible and reusable code that applies to a variety of data types. By employing this methodology, a solitary algorithm can be effortlessly implemented across diverse data types, obviating the necessity for distinct code for each type. The STL also provides an efficient way to write code. Many STL algorithms and data structures are implemented with optimized algorithms that can result in faster execution times compared to custom code.

 Some key components of STL are basically: -

STL supports a variety of data storage and manipulation containers, including arrays, vectors, lists, maps, and arrays.
For manipulating data contained in containers, the STL provides a variety of practical algorithms, such as classification, search, and binary search algorithms.
Iterators serve as practical instruments for traversing the components of a container. Iterators within the STL are multipurpose instruments that are compatible with a wide range of container types. Forward_iterator, bidirectional_iterator, and random_access_iterator are some examples.

Functional objects, alternatively referred to as functionals, are meta-objects that can be employed as algorithmic arguments. By allowing the passage of a function to an algorithm, they afford the capability to customize its behavior.

Adapters are useful components that can modify the behavior of other STL components. As an expert in data manipulation, one can utilize the reverse_iterator adapter to alter the arrangement of elements within a container.
Using STL can help streamline your code, minimize the chances of mistakes, and enhance program efficiency. 

It has a total of 4 components: -

1)      Algorithm

2)      Container

3)      Functor

4)      Iterators



 A header algorithm defines a set of functions specifically designed for use with multiple elements. They act on containers and provide resources for various operations on the contents of the containers.

·       Algorithm

·       Sorting

·       Searching

·       Important STL Algorithms

·       Useful Array Algorithms

·       Partition Functions

·       Numeric

·       Val-array Class.



 Containers or container classes store objects and data. The standards have a total of seven "first-class" container classes three container adapters, and only seven header files that allow access to those containers or container adapters.

Serialized containers: implement data structures that can be accessed sequentially.





Forward_list (Introduced in C++11)

Container adapters: provides a different interface to sequential containers.


Priority queue


Association containers: implement ordered data structures that can be searched quickly (O(log n) complexity).




Unordered associative containers: implements unordered data structures that can be searched quickly

Unordered_set (introduced in C++ 11)

Unordered_multiset (introduced C++ 11);

Unordered_map (introduced in C++ 11)

Unordered_multimap (introduced in C++ 11).


The STL contains classes that overload the function call operator. Instances of such classes are called function objects or functions. Functors allow you to customize the behavior of the associated function by using passed parameters. Must Read - Functors.


 As the name suggests, iterators are used to process a series of values. They are the most important feature that allows generality in STL. Must Read – Iterators

Utility Library

Defined in header <utility>

 Iterator categories

 Iterator mainly divided into 5 categories

1)      Input

2)      output

3)      Forward

4)      Bi-directional

5)      Random access


Input iterator:

An input iterator is an iterator that allows a program to read values​​from a container.

Dereferencing input iterator allows reading the value from the container but does not change the value.

The input iterator is a one-way iterator.

An input iterator can be incremented but not decremented.


Output iterator:

The output iterator is similar to the input iterator, except that it allows the program to change the value of the container, but it does not allow it to be read.

This is a one-way iterator.

This is a writable iterator.

 Forward Iterator:

The forward iterator uses the ++ operator to navigate the container.

The previous iterator goes through each element of the container, one element at a time.


Two-way iterator:

The two-way iterator is similar to the previous iterator except that it also iterates backward.

This is a two-way iterator.

It can be increased as well as decreased.


Random Access Iterator:

The Random Access Iterator can be used to access a random element of a container.

An arbitrary iterator has all the properties of a two-way iterator with one additional property, namely pointer incrementing. Using the pointer increment function, we can access a random element from the container.

Operations supported by iterators


Element access



Increment operation




v = *p




*p = v




v = *p

*p = v





v = *p

*p = v



Random access

->,[ ]

v = *p

*p = v




Advantages and disadvantages of STL

The ability of the STL to generate code that is compatible with various data types is one of its primary advantages, as it enables code to be highly reusable. This may produce code that is simpler to maintain and more efficient.

Simplified Test Library (STL) algorithms and data structures are constructed utilizing algorithms that are exceptionally optimized, resulting in execution times that are shorter in comparison to custom code.
Enhanced code readability: The STL provides a standardized and thoroughly documented methodology for manipulating data, leading to the production of code that is easier to comprehend and maintain.

Because of its wide user base and widespread acceptance, STL has a wealth of resources like forums and tutorials in addition to a large number of developers that are ready to help.


Learning curve: Because STL uses sophisticated features like iterations and function objects, together with a complicated syntax, it can be challenging to master, particularly for novices. 

Lack of control: When using the STL, you must rely on the implementation provided by the library, which can limit control over certain parts of your code.

·   Performance: In some cases, using STL can result in slower execution times compared to regular code, especially when dealing with small amounts of data.

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    C++ STL containers

Containers can be described as objects containing the same type of data. Containers implement various data structures such as arrays, lists, trees, etc.

The following are containers that contain information about all containers and the header file associated with them:




Header file



vector is a class that creates a dynamic array allowing insertions and deletions at the back.


Random access


list is the sequence containers that allow the insertions and deletions from anywhere.




deque is the double ended queue that allows the insertion and deletion from both the ends.


Random access


set is an associate container for storing unique sets.




Multiset is an associate container for storing non- unique sets.




Map is an associate container for storing unique key-value pairs, i.e. each key is associated with only one value(one to one mapping).




multimap is an associate container for storing key- value pair, and each key can be associated with more than one value.




It follows last in first out(LIFO).


No iterator


It follows first in first out(FIFO).


No iterator


First element out is always the highest priority element.


No iterator


Classification of containers

1) Sequence containers

     2) Associative containers

     3) Derived containers


Associative container






Derived containers





Sequence container



list container




 Algorithms are the functions that different containers use to process its contents.

Things to remember:

Algorithms provides about 60 algorithms to perform complex operations. The standard algorithms allow us to work with two different types of containers at the same time.

Algorithms are not container member functions but are independent template functions.

Algorithms save a lot of time and effort.

If we want to use STL algorithms, we have to add <algorithm> header file in our program.


Function objects

A function object is a function wrapped in a class to look like an object. A function object extends the capabilities of a normal function by using object-oriented N functions, such as generic programming. Therefore, a function object can be said to be a smart pointer that has many advantages over a normal function.

 ·       The advantages of function objects over a regular function are:

·       Function objects can have both member functions and member attributes.

·       Function objects can be initialized before they are used.

·       Normal functions can have different types only if the signature is different. Function objects can have different types, even if the signature is the same.

·       Function objects are faster than a normal function.

 A functional object is also known as a functional object. A function object is an object that contains at least one operator () definition. That means that if we declare an object ‘d’ from the class where the function operator () is defined, we can use the object’d’ as a normal function.


Let’s see this with a C++ program: -


 #include <iostream>  

      using namespace std;  

     class function_object  



        int operator()(int a, int b)              


           return a+b;  




     int main()  


       function_object f;                 

       int result = f(5,5);  

      cout<<"Addition of a and b is : "<<result;  


    return 0;  




 Addition of a and b is : 10


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