Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Data types in Java


According to data, variables can have a wide range of sizes and values. In Java there are mainly two different data types:

Basic data structures - The following are the most fundamental types of data storage: boolean, character, byte, int, long, float, and double.

Non-primitive data types: Non-primitive data types include classes, interfaces, and arrays.

Primitive data types

Java's data manipulation is based on primitive data types. These are the most basic data types in Java.

There are 8 types of primitive data types in Java: -

  • Boolean data type
  • byte data type
  • char data type
  • short data type
  • int data type
  • long data type
  • float data type
  • double data type

 Non-primitive data types

There are a greater number of primitive data types like: -

     · String

  • Array 

Boolean data type

In a Boolean data type, there are only two possible values that may be represented: true and false. This data type is perfect for basic flags with true or false criteria.

Boolean data types describe themselves as having a single piece of information; its "size" is not indicated.

Example: - Boolean one =false

Byte data type

The byte is among the most fundamental types of data. This is a signed integer since it has eight bits and the two's complement. Its possible values range from -128 to 127. It has a minimum value of -128 and a maximum value of 127. It defaults to 0.

The Byte data type is invaluable for large arrays in terms of memory conservation. This helps save space since bytes are four times smaller than integers. Being used as a "int" data type is an additional potential use.

Example: - byte a =10, byte b = -20

Short data type

Signed integers with two scores are condensed to 16 bits. It can have a value between -32,768 and 32,767. It can have any of the following values: the whole numbers -32768 to 32767. By default, its value is zero.

You can utilize the short data type in the same way as you would bytes to save memory. A short data type is one that is twice as tiny as an integer.

Example: - short s=10000, short r = -4000

Int data type

A signed, two-coordinate integer with 32 bits is represented by the data type "int". Values between -2,147,483,648 (-2^31) and 2,147,483,647 (2^31 -1) are contained within the range. Its possible values range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. It has a default value of 0.

The int data type is usually used as the default data type for integral values unless there are memory problems.

Example: - int a =50, int b= -80

Long data type

An integer having 64 bits of two's complement is referred to as a long data type. Its value is conceivable between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (-2^63) and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (2^63 -1) inclusive. The range of potential values is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. By default, it is set to 0. When it doesn't cover the range of numbers you require, you can use the long data type.

Example: - long a =400L, long b=-200L

Float data type

For floating-point computations, a 32-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number is utilized as the data type. There is no range to its value. Use float rather than double when working with large arrays of floats to save memory. Coins and other exact numbers should never be kept in float variables. It has a default setting of 0.0F.

Float a=490.3, float b=598.4

Double data type

The data type is an IEEE 754 floating-point number with 64 bits of precision. Its value is infinite in scope. Similar to float values, decimal numbers are frequently stored as double data types. Not to add, never use the double data type to record exact quantities, such as coins. It has a default value of 0.0d.

Example: - d =34.6

Char data type

The Char data type represents one 16-bit Unicode character. Its value range is '\u0000' (inclusive, or 0) to '\uffff' (inclusive, or 65,535). Programmers use the Char data type to store text.

Example: - char letter a =’a’

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